If you find you're missing posts from me, like this one

Divine Love

or this one

Add Life

or this one

Sesame Street


it's because Facebook wants you to prove your interest in this blog.  Facebook is skeptical and high maintenance, but we love her anyway, like a high school girlfriend.  If you want my posts to show up in your newsfeed, here's what you must do to prove your love to FB:

1. Go to my page (here). 2. Click the little gear-looking doo-hicky in the top right corner, and select "add to interest lists."

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Add To Interest

Presto!  Now you won't miss posts like this one.

anything can be

or this one

Mopped ecard

or these:

Blindfolded Marathon


Next week I'll start posting opinion/polling/research questions for the books.  I would love all of your input, so come be a part!

Thanks for connecting with me, I love you so! Kate