(Art by Katie Daisy)
23 Things My Mom Said
1. Attitude is everything.
2. Everything in moderation.
3. Always leave a place a little nicer than you found it.
4. Go run around the house 7 times.
5. Do the whole job.
6. Do it right the first time.
7. Read this with your filter on.
8. Song lyrics are my theology.
9. I'm still learning.
10. Pretty is as pretty does.
11. Be good and have fun, in that order.
12. Presentation is everything.
13. What you think is important.
14. This is non-negotiable.
15. Manners will get you far in life.
16. The important things don't change.
17. Fresh air is the best medicine.
18. Let's go on an adventure.
19. If you tell me you're bored, I'll give you something to do, but you're not going to like it.
20. You're not lost if you know how to get home.
21. Don't be afraid to turn around.
22. Tell the truth, no matter what.
23. That's just the way of it, child.
What things did your mom always say? What phrase of your mother's most often comes out of your mouth? Share in the comments or on Twitter with the hashtag #thingsmymomsaid! Happy Mother's Day!