
While I'm writing on the books, here a linksplosion of fresh content for your week.  Enjoy!

My favorite commercials on TV right now:

Volkswagon always has top-notch ads.  I love them all.



And this sprint ad is perfectly cast.  Also, I love KD and his backpack.


On Parenting:

On fatherhood, humility, and perfectionsim:  "Great Kids Have Parents Who Seem To Do This Well"

Ever wondered what infertility is like from a man's perspective?  My friend Amanda's husband speaks out.  Applause for brave, honest men.  "Infertility From The Husband's Perspective"

THIS. YES.  A hilarious must-read for new parents.  "I went on Amazon and bought all the top books on baby sleep..."

I fight tooth and nail to show my children grace.   Grace is greater than fear, grace endears their hearts to me.  Grace shows them Jesus, and the gospel.   This was a timely reminder in my fight to be a gracious, Christ-like mother.  "Childish vs. Sinful"

I loved this because I was not a baby-person.  I was the "Do you want to hold my baby?" "NOPE!"  And now, with a soon-to-be-kindergartener, I still don't want to babysit children over the age of 1.  Ironically, as a parent, I've felt quite a bit of hurt and coldness from people just like me - people who don't much like other people's kids.  A great article in light of our increasingly child-intolerant society.  "Other Peoples Kids"

This was all over last week, and it's a good word  on how social media takes popularity and the comparison game to the next level.  Our sweet teenagers and their hearts - what a world they live in.   "A Word about Instagram"

I share this because I just had a baby, and it is so, so legit.  I know breastfeeding is great for baby and whatever, but I do it because 1: it's free and 2: it burns 500 calories a day.  This lady knows whats up.  "10 (Mildly Shallow) Reasons To Breastfeed"

On Faith & Culture:

This article is so precious to me.  I fall somewhere in the middle ground, never having had many of these thoughts (or experiences) personally, but the pressures are real, and several of her objections could have come straight out of my own brain. I'm so thankful to Mary for sharing this perspective.  "I'm Sick of Hearing About Your Smokin' Hot Wife"

As a super-churched kid in high school and college  (by my own insistence), I adored this.  "The Most Oppressive Bible Verse That Never Was." 

This resonated with me because it told my story.  I am pro-life in an impassioned, unashamed way - except for that I'm reluctant to associate with the movement in any way, and I only discuss it in face-to-face conversations with friends.  Here's why.  "Does The Pro-Life Movement Need A New Strategy?"

This sparked my interest because LU is my alma matter.  It is a beautiful read and an accurate representation of my experience there.  (It echoes the heart of The Unlikely Disciple, which is an account of a student at (the very liberal, Ivy league) Brown University going "undercover" for a semester at Jerry Falwell's "Bible Bootcamp."  Talk about a social experiment.  I can't recommend it highly enough.)  "Being Gay at Jerry Falwell's University"

My runner-friend Dana wrote about the Boston bombing beautifully.  "The Day I Didn't Run Boston"

On Writing:

This week-long "Writers Boot Camp" from Margaret Feinberg was just fantastic.  It encouraged and inspired me, but mostly, it put me in my place.  It buckled me down and forced pen to paper.  Her experience and advice is valuable.  Day One starts here: "Writers Boot Camp Week: Why I Hate Talking About Writing."

A fun read on famous writers and their writing habits.  Fascinating to read about some of my favorites.  "The Daily Routines of Famous Writers"

 Sites Worth Visiting:

This made me laugh.  I'm a "flightless bird" after about 3 minutes.



This is an excellent supplement to Awkward Family Photos.  Self-proclaimed professionals.  YIKES.  "You Are Not A Photographer."

I love, love this.  Beautiful words, beautifully written.  "The Year of Lettering."

And if there is any chance you haven't seen this (which would mean you haven't been on the internet in a week), you must.  A social experiment: "You Are More Beautiful Than You Think"



And this, from Francis Chan.  So simple it hurts.


Me Other Places:

I answered a few questions about writing and my road to publishing last week on my friend, Christine's, "Everyday Author" series.  There are three posts that start here: "Everyday Authors: Meet Kate"

My friend, Amanda, wrote a post about what to write in a sympathy card, and I weighed in on what was and wasn't helpful for me during a time of sadness.  "What To Write In a Sympathy Card"

My friend, Aliesha, is doing a fanstastic series on hospitality.  I LOVE entertaining, having a home full of people, drop-ins (when I'm wearing a bra), and feeding people.  Unfortunately I hate cooking.  In this quick post Aliesha shares ways to practice hospitality without serving meals.In it she shares one of my go-to recipes from my "Woman vs. Kitchen" series.    "Showing Hospitality When You Hate to Cook"