It's been a few a years since I said anything about Good Friday. It's been a few years since I've even said anything ON Good Friday. I usually can't because every thing I ever thought to say sounded vain or trite or both. There's nothing anybody can say that could add to the miracle of what happened on this day, and I always fear to cheapen it. Or to make it about me or what I think. Or to act as though I have some deep understanding, or that I am some very-enlightened, always-humble, spiritual soul. Because I'm not. Good Friday takes my breath away every year because that's what happens when you get the wind knocked out of you. When you fall flat on your face and start feeling less "humbled" and more "humiliated." It takes your breath away.
This year I'm thinking a lot about what Jesus said on the cross. He said, "It is finished."
It: The work of love. The work of salvation. The sacrifice. The ransoming of billions and billions of souls. The thing that Jesus came to earth to do: save us.
I'm listening to this song by Matt Papa this year. I hope you will too.
"The earth shook and trembled The sun bowed it's head The veil of the temple was opened for men As Jesus went down in the cold of the grave, Defeated the darkness when He overcame The keys of the kingdom were placed into hands Of children and priests and of fishers of men Throughout generations his voice will be heard Creation resounds the victorious words!
'It is finished' It is done To the world salvation comes Hallelujah We're alive! Hell was silenced when you cried.. It is finished."
(The official music video contains scenes from The Passion of the Christ. If you think you might find this troubling or too difficult to watch, maybe just listen.)