Morning Happy

I got up early to send Madeline off to school this morning. I was going to have a bowl of cereal, but we were out of milk. I was going to do my Bible study "homework," but my book was in Dan's car. I was going to clean, but HA HA HA.

So instead, I'm sharing with you all the internet things that made me smile this morning.  I hope that, in your mind, they take you to a quiet, cozy place - with tea - and make you smile really, really big at your computer screen.  And maybe giggle to yourself.  And, if you're like me, cry tears of happiness.

This orchestra flash mob was beautiful!  Joyful, joyful, indeed.


1. "After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." [Aldous Huxley,1931] 2.  The man at 4:09 - I did the exact same thing.

This video from Kid President via SoulPancake was not at all what I was expecting.  While it is funny, it is mostly heartwarming and encouraging and beautiful.


"And it hurt, man!  Not cool, Robert Frost!" "What if there really are two paths?  I want to be on the one that leads to awesome." "We were made to be awesome."

And this little fella, who stole my heart.

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Happy Friday, friends!