In list form as per usual. 1. This week I had the best mail-week in a long time; look what made its way to my home!
I got a brand-new T-shirt from walk in love. clothing! I've worn it twice and received tons of compliments already. It's a first-shirt-you-wear-out-of-the-clean-laundry kind of T-shirt. The one you wear with your best jeans and your favorite underwear. I think it's important that you go to their website immediately and purchase some quality shirts for yourself. Go ahead, you're worth it.
My happy mail package also came with a disc of images from Brooke Courtney Photography - look at this shot she captured of baby Jasper!
I know, right? Great mail-day.
2. I french-braided my own hair for the very first time this week. This has been a new years resolution (unresolved) for at least three years, and has recently graduated to my life list. I attempted it on a whim, celebrated, then looked in the mirror.
DRAT. It's backwards. Or is it inside out? (Note to self: Check first, then celebrate. This rule of thumb applies to many a life situation.)
3. I had a free breakfast at Gibsons BBQ this morning - while a friend watched Madeline for me.
4. I have fresh flowers on my coffee table, a sparkley clean kitchen, Girls Night went off without a hitch, and I have this little man sleeping on my shoulders.
What a delicious week.