A podcast, a yogi, and a concert walk into a bar...
...and by a bar, I mean my life. Not that my life is like a bar...nevermind. What I'm saying is this is what is going on around here.
1. I recorded a podcast with Jamie Ivey, who is exactly as much fun as she seems.
We discuss:
- Harry Potter (because to thine own self be true)
- Netflix (because you are not above a Netflix bender)
- Joining the national bone marrow registry (and selling our blood plasma for the free childcare #momlife)
- Thoughts on turning 30
- Books every millennial that grew up in church has read (shout out to Adventures in Odyssey!)
- Our own evolving theology
- Other things
If you've been imagining that I have a southern accent because I write things like "my children acted like they HAD NO RAISING," and "Holy May," you can hear what my actual voice sounds like. Oh and I'm giving away 10 books to podcast listeners, so there's that. What I'm saying is listen to it. (Here!)
2. I contributed 4 new meditations to Yoga Bird this month to be a part of a 28-day fitness calendar. The calendar is great (meatless recipes every week, a variety of yoga sequences, and a week-long focus on each of: satisfaction, bravery, love, and balance), but what I really want to tell you is that these devotions are some of my favorite I've written. I wrote them all in one evening, so there was no research or waiting or collecting ideas. I just wrote what I knew to be true of God TODAY. This batch is my thoughts and hopes of the last few weeks all poured out on paper. If you have a subscription to Yoga Bird, you can listen to them here.
3. Ben Rector is coming to Raleigh and I am going with my friend, Cindy, to hear all the music and feel all the feelings. If you do not know Ben Rector, I am very sorry for you. I first heard his Free Falling cover 5 years ago and then we feel in love. (Okay I fell in love. Details.) His "Into The Morning" and "The Walking In Between" albums are two that I can listen to the whole way through without skipping or losing interest. Will any of you local dears be there too?
If not, I'll throw you this bone.
What are you all up to this week? If you've found something you love around the web, or created something you're really proud of, I'd love to see it in the comments! Lay it on me.