Print Giveaway! (Puddleduck Paper Co., Goose & Gemma, and Honeysuckle Blog)

Welcome to day 3 of Giveaway week!  We are celebrating this shiny new site (And fall! And pumpkins! And general happiness!) by giving away pretty things.  

Today's giveaway will cover your wall in beautiful things.  Gold foil, brush calligraphy, and beams of sunshine to be exact.  And there are THREE prizes today, each to a different winner.  YOU LUCKY THINGS. 

The first is a collection from Puddleduck Paper Co, so just brace yourself for the pretties:

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A gold foil "Dreams" print, a large "Do Work" memo, and a small "Getting Started" memo.  So pretty and ON POINT.  Aren't these the most inspirational, go-get-em designs you've seen today?  "The secret to getting ahead is getting started." Yes.  These could be yours.

The second prize is a watercolor calligraphy piece from Goose & Gemma.  I have her Kid President print on my wall and nobody every comes over without mentioning how much they love it.  The colors on THIS piece are swoon-worthy. 

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Dreamy.  (This print is 9x12 on 140lb watercolor paper.  I hung mine with washi tape, but it would be gorgeous in a white mat!) 

The third prize is two prints from Shelby of The Honeysuckle Blog.  Shelby is the one who created my "You're Not Lost" print this year.  She's amazing.  I am giving a way a copy of the "You're Not Lost" print and a "Rise and Shine" print too! 

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SUCH encouraging truths to have on your walls.  I hope they help you set a tone of hope and joy in your homes!

To enter to win one of these TREASURES, just comment on this post with your favorite snack.  For an extra entry, share this giveaway and tag the artists in your post.

My go-to snack is chips and salsa (the fresher the better) with seltzer water to drink.  All day errday.

Good luck!

Here are the artists social media accounts for your extra-entry tagging.  Follow them, they all make and share beautiful things!  (And as always, if you don't win but LOVE something - go buy it from these talented women!)

Puddleduck Paper Co.
Tag on Pinterest with #puddleduckpaper

Goose & Gemma
Tag on Pinterest with #GooseandGemma

Honeysuckle Blog
Tag on Pinterest with #Honeysuckleblog




Mug Set Giveaway! (Grey Skies Blue)

Good morning and welcome to day 2 of Giveaway week!  I am celebrating the pretty new site (have you explored it yet?) by giving you pretty things.  Yesterday I gave away shirts and gift cards, and today I'm giving away a set of 2 custom mugs from Grey Skies Blue.  Because new clothes and coffee is the stuff of life. 


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That is what I want to wake up to.  

Katie (founder and artist at Grey Skies Blue) uses high-quality Crate & Barrel mugs and hand-draws each one with her mad skills.  She does all kinds of custom stuff (you can see them here), and she made these especially for you!    

To enter, comment on this post with your favorite morning beverage.  SO EASY.  For an extra entry, share this giveaway and tag Grey Skies Blue in your post.  

I'll close this giveaway at midnight and notify the winners tomorrow.  

My morning beverage is OBVIOUSLY coffee.  No sugar, no flavor, just half-and-half*.  


*and sometimes whipped cream.


Here's Grey Skies Blue's info for your extra entry tagging.  You can also follow her if you love good handwriting, mugs, and really cute kids! 

Grey Skies Blue on Instagram
Grey Skies Blue on Facebook
Tag on Pinterest using #GreySkiesBlue

walk in love. Giveaway!

Good morning and welcome to Giveaway Week!  We are celebrating the shiny new site by giving you pretty things!  

Today I am giving away two walk in love. shirts and two $50 gift cards: one for you and one for a friend! BOOM.  You will want to live in these shirts. You are going to want to become one with the shirts. You will take them off only to shower. The softness, mercy.

The first is this women's maroon "Enough" shirt! 

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It is flowy, with ribbed arms that are slightly fitted, so it's perfect for layering this fall. 

The second is this unisex royal blue V-neck.  I'd wear it with my black blazer and booties, but I'm not the boss of you.  You do as you please. 

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To enter, comment on this post and tag the person you'll give the second shirt & card to!  For an extra entry, share this giveaway and tag me in your post. 

I'll close this giveaway at midnight and notify the winners tomorrow.  Can't wait to get these in your hands so that you can get your shop on!

Happy Monday, friends.  Remember, "mon" means "my" in French.  So if your Monday isn't going so hot, stop calling it Monday and start calling it My day.  That should help.  (Hat tip to Leah Dieterich for the tip.) 


Here's walk in love's info! Follow them if you love good design, beautiful spaces, fashion, and cats! 

walk in love's website
walk in love on Instagram
walk in love on Facebook
walk in love on Twitter

Come back tomorrow to see what other goodies are in store for you!

New Site Reveal!

Welcome to the shiny, new!  

My friends at walk in love. helped me totally overhaul the site this month.  There are surprises waiting for you everywhere!  Everything is new, from the About sections down to the contact form.  

There are freebies for you, too!  (Look up and to the right.)  There are a dozen downloadable iPhone backgrounds that you can set as your wallpaper or text to a friend.  They are all my favorite.

Down at the bottom you'll find a new reader page where I answer some FAQ's I get most often. There's also updated information on speaking, sponsorship, and what exactly happens when you send me an email.  

It's all so beautiful. It's like sunrise...on a beach...and there are flowers everywhere...and graceful gazelles leaping across the sand...and Cristiano Ronaldo is walking towards me out of the surf....

It is ALMOST as beautiful as Cristiano Ronaldo.  I can't stop clicking.  

I am celebrating the new site with an entire week of giveaways, starting today!  Each giveaway closes at the end of the day, so make sure you visit Monday - Friday this week so you don't miss any!  

I'm kicking it off by giving away some walk in love. shirts!  (Here's the giveaway post.)

I hope you guys like our new space!  I am so, so, so thankful for you.  I love talking with you.  Hearing from you and writing to you is my very favorite part of this job of mine.  Good luck at the giveaways!  May the odds be every in your favor.  


Happy Friday!

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(source: DesignLoveFest, like almost every other image that I love)

Holiday weekend, y'all!

Here's a few things:

1. I plan on wearing my white skinnies after Labor Day and I don't really care whether or not it's kosher, because it's still one million degrees here and I do as I please.

2. This won't be a social media free weekend, it will just be a social media LESS weekend.  I'll still post my #29nicethings updates, and probably a #sundayconfession.  If you don't follow me on Instagram, you should just know that that's where a lot of the action goes down.

3. The giveaway for the mason jar tumblers is open until 8:00 tonight.  You should enter here or here.

4. This weekend/week/ish I am working on the sessions that I'm leading for a parents respite/retreat shebang in Georgia next month.  I'm so excited about it.  I get to share a part of my story that I've never spoken about publicly before, and I get to work through the acronym B.R.A.V.E., which stands for "Beautiful, Real, Amazing, Valuable, Enough."   In case you are having trouble reading between the lines:  I get to talk about beauty.  Not female beauty, or all shapes and sizes beauty, but all-over-the-world-beauty - in creation, in love, in forgiveness, in bravery, in gratitude, and in the faces of children-beauty.

And I get to talk about REAL.  Mercy.  I can't even.

And enough.  And bravery.

It's going to be good.

Happy Labor Day weekend, and happy Friday, folks! Love to you,
